Bottom Times

By Club President, Delbert Stewart
Welcome to 2025!
And just like that, another fabulous year for the club.
We had some great times in 2024, and I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the speakers
who volunteered their time and honored us with their presence in 2024. Preparing for a presentation
takes time and effort, and speaking in front of peers requires both courage and dedication. It's not
always easy, as it involves planning, rehearsing, and sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone. So, I
just want to take a moment to recognize these individuals for their hard work and commitment.
Ken Kollwitz, who shared his pro tips for dive travel
Eric Taylor and Laura Forsyth, who took us on a journey through the Sea of Cortez, top to bottom
Joe Razo and Teri Scarpino, who shared their adventures wandering through Baja
Steve Peterson, who gave us a tour of the evolution of dive gear
In addition, for all of our new members here is some club trivia. I have been led to believe that every
club Christmas party has taken place at Jennifer & Dave Morrison’s club house with the exception of one
(covid year). Wow, we are very fortunate. It has the full kitchen and plenty of party space. So, don’t
forget to give them some LOVE the next time you see them. We really appreciate their ongoing support.
Photo contest
Congratulations to the photo contest winners! For this coming year, we're planning to open up submissions in April. We
are aiming to have a video workshop in March. The contest judge, Todd Kortte is
scheduled to come out, but of course, things can change. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we’ll be
able to offer something to help us all hone in our editing, video, and photo skills.
2024 contest winners
Heather Moine - Lettuce Nudibranch
Donald Lockwood - Aliens
Herther Moine - Perderson Shrimp
Donald Lockwood - Stairway to Paradise
Heather Moine - Diving at the end of the rainbow
Donald Lockwood - Boaters Paradise
Andrea Dransfield - Bull sharks
Heather Moine – Sharp-tail Eel
Laura Forsyth - La Reina Sea Lion Drive-by
Donald Lockwood - Big Bite
Dana Werner - Diver Descent
Donald Lockwood - Spirit Light
​Shore diving plans
So we started planning more beach dives in 2024 and it started to pick up momentum. Our goal for 2025 is to dive twice as much and add some fun and adventure while we do it. The first dive of each month will take place on the first Saturday and the second dive will be on the Saturday that follows the general meeting. The schedule will include local dives plus a few day and overnight trips. I touched on this in the October newsletter. We plan to dive in San Diego during leopard shark season, at Veterans Park submarine canyon in Redondo, Scorpion Bay at Santa Cruz Island, Shaws Cove in Laguna Beach, and Point Lobos, to name a few. Of course, in between these little trips we we will also continue to enjoy our local favorite dive spots and traditional events. What we will not have this year is a Catalina trip but we might replace it with a vacation. I have never dived in La Jolla, but we have Rob Johnson, who is familiar with the dives in that area and will be our guide. Veterans Park comes up a lot on Facebook, so we are going to reach out to a local club to see if we can join them for a joint club dive—kind of cool! Scorpion is a fun day trip; Mike and Tony took me out to this island. We took off with Island Packers and planned a one-dive/hike excursion. You are going to love it! Plus, we have Bill Weinerth, who has already signed up to be our hiking guide.
Dive Vacation
A trip abroad is on our 2025 agenda, and we should have some options for you by February. We are aiming to travel in the fall, which will give you plenty of time to plan and pay if you choose to go. So far, members have expressed interest in destinations with warmer waters.
See you all on January 15th at BLACK BEAR DINER, 2401 East Harbor Boulevard, Ventura. Socializing and dinner at 6:00, Meeting at 6:30.
Delbert Stewart
Channel Islands Divers
We meet the third Wednesday of each month (except December)
Join us at the
BLACK BEAR DINER, 2401 East Harbor Boulevard, Ventura
Socializing and dinner at 6:00, Meeting at 6:30